Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Math Happenings Around Our School

There is a lot of great math learning that is occurring  everyday in our classrooms.  Students are engaged in problem solving, critical thinking tasks and collaborative learning.

Here are some snapshots -

Mr. Chelman's 3rd Grade class working on division and multiplication word problems - video

Grade 1 Students in Mrs. Marks class working on counting collections
Gr 4 Students in Mrs. Doherty's class working on place value

Gr 2 Students in Mrs. Roy's class working on Comparison Problems

Friday, October 7, 2016

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Merging "Gaming and Math" and "Mysteries and Math"

Check out these books - great math puzzles and math mysteries for your child

Copied from Math Is Fun - link to more resources and games

Below is a link to a game that I came across recently that looks like a regular adventure game but the characters have to solve math problems to advance through the game.  For example, do you need your character to enter an elevator?  Solve 7 x 3.  Check it out!

Big Brainz - link to their website
Article about this game - link

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Easy games to play to help foster Fact Fluency and other Basic Math Skills

(click on the links in purple)

VIDEOS - Below are links to short videos that have some fun and quick to make fluency games.  Having kids practice these a few times per week and over vacations will help your child tremendously.
Board Games- Battleship, Blink, Checkers, Chinese Checkers, Concentration, Dominos, Mastermind, Othello, Parcheesi, Connect Four, Simon, Stratego, etc.
Ø Many board games will advertise the thinking skills they help with, such as memory, visualizing, patterns, etc.

Ø As you play with  your child, discuss best strategies.

On-line Resources and Games- most of these games are apps too.

End of Year Fluency Expectations by Grade Level. 

Kindergarten- Add/subtract within 5

1st Grade-       Add/subtract within 10

2nd Grade-      Add/subtract within 20            

3rd Grade-       Multiply with factors up to 12
                        Add/subtract within 100 (mental math)

4th Grade-       Multiply/divide with factors up to 12
                        Add/subtract within 1000 (mental math)